First of all, "Thanks" in advance for using this class blog as an online forum to openly discuss your ideas about what we've read and learned in class.
With that being said, here's a list of friendly reminders:
1. Keep it academic. Think of this site as an extension of the classroom. Obviously, you should aim to communicate as intelligently as possible. You should be using (or at least trying to) academic vocabulary that is used in class. (You know, words that are usually reserved for English class.)
Be sure that if someone disagrees with you, or vice versa, you keep your cool. It's OK to respectfully disagree. In fact, that's how a lot of real thinking and learning happens. It's the way you frame your argument that will reflect the kind of person you are. One of the reasons I'm having you do this is because knowing how to communicate well online is an increasingly necessary skill. If you start now, your college professors will be so impressed, trust me.
2. There are no right or wrong answers - only levels of thought based on text. If you can give enough text evidence to prove your point well, then you're golden. Clearly, having a point of view is of the utmost necessity, first and foremost.
3. You don't have to answer each part of every question - just be in tune with the spirit of it. One question might have 5 parts that are all connected by one idea. Address that idea, use your evidence, and that's that. Remember, everyone MUST address my discussion question first before responding to a peer.
4. Keeping the conversation going is a part of this activity. You're required to thoughtfully respond to at least 1 other student. It will also boost your score if you bring others in. For example, you've just made a bombastic point about something really awesomely smart. (Go, you!) Now, you can choose to:
- ask another academically-related question for peer response <-- But don't do this if you HAVEN'T ANSWERED MY QUESTION FIRST.
- ask another peer to directly respond to you <-- Be sure it's NOT a "Yes" or "No" question. They MUST show critical thinking and use text evidence.
6. Read your rubric. You don't want to get surprised when you check OnCourse later to discover that you didn't quite earn the score that you had anticipated.
Other students:
ReplyDeleteJust for future reference, and to save time, I have taken the textbook information from Mrs. Rolfe's OnCourse website.
URL (NO 'www'):
USERNAME: jdoek87
OR.... you can go to the wonderful Bookland, and check out a hard copy.
-Jewel Delcastillo
P.S. it is in Unit 4, Collection 8. The chorus starts on page 807.
Delete-Jewel Delcastillo
Romeo and juliet is one of the classic love storys that every one knows about. I feel that Romeo and Juliet there relationship does resimble modern relationships. You here a lot of people and see a lot of people falling in love then saying no i dont love you anymore. I feel like a lot of teen relationships are like this now in mordern times.In the story Romeo is so crazy for this girl named Roseline and she becomes a nun and Romoe is so sadden and crying his eyes out becuse he cant have her. Untill he next night when he lays eyes on juleit. He falls in love with her it was love at first site. Now when you here that you think well wait he was all about the other girl just a minute ago now you love this girl. Crazy and he changed his mind so quick makes you wonder how and why did Romeo change his mind so quick. This revales that his charater changes his mind a lot and that hes very almost hard to understand.
ReplyDeleteThis tragedy between Romeo and Juliet happened all because Romeo decided to get over Rosaline by attending a masquerade and looking at other women. Although the women he decided to lay eyes on was a family enemy, the rest of the world became oblivious. Romeo moved on quickly , considering he was head over heals in love with Rosaline, saw a new girl at a party and got married a day later. Modern relationships are very much alike to Romeo and Juliet because we move on to the next person so quickly. Without second guessing, we're in another persons arms. Its very emotionless and could lead to many broken hearts but in todays society all we really care about is someone caring about us. I believe all Romeo wanted was to be wanted. He was in love with the thought of being in love. That characterizes Romeo as desperate. He moves on so quickly, makes rash decisions and does not think twice before making an important decision, such as getting married. He was desperate to be with someone, anyone. Even a forbidden lover. Payton Rethmel